We are a


biotec company


Learn about our company


The Pharma Globe AG is a biopharmaceutical Swiss company focusing on research and development of innovative vaccine products, targeting unmet medical needs.

The company assets includes a late stage, low-risk pipeline of several advanced projects and broadly applicable technology platforms that already generate several product candidates. Relying on its unique pipeline, the company intends to become a major player in the vaccine world.

Total sales can be estimated in the magnitude of several Billion CHF.

Pharma Globe team

The internationally renowned scientific team of Pharma Globe consists of absolute and is constantly being enlarged. Hier is a small excerpt:

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Glück

Founding member

Deceased 2021

Remo Karpf MBA

Founding Member

President of the Board Members

Prof. Dr. Gaurav Caputa

Member of the Board


Leo Künzle

Member of the Board


Armin Koller HSG

Member of the Board


Patrik Brodan MBR

Member of the Board


Prof. Dr. Phillippe Paroz

Member of the Board


Dr. Armando Crispino

Member of the Board



An exclusive platform based on an non-replicating Sendai virus, in licensed from various institutes and universities will be used as a vector for a broad range of new safe and effective vaccine. The first one is a vaccine against respiratory infections caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) which affects more than 18 million people. This vaccine will enter in a challenge study which will bring Pharma Globe AG at the forefront of the development of such vaccine.

A new vaccine which will elicit antibody against PD1 receptor for the therapeutic vaccination for different cancer patients and a wide range of tumor types is in development. The project is supported by FSE EUR 5 Mio. Funds (EU and Government of Italy).

Two novel highly efficient adjuvants in licensed from Heimholtz Center for Infection Research will allow Pharma Globe AG to increase the immune response with a broad pallet of vaccines.

With the seed strains recognized as safe and highly effective vaccine strains, Pharma Globe AG has access to a large portfolio of more than 10 routine vaccines for children and adults.

Bacterial therapeutic vaccines based on different inactivated lactobacillus strains for the treatment of urogenital infections with high potential to cure vaginitis in woman and prostatis in men are currently in clinical phase III.

To name some of our partners; such as various institutes and universities, Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, University/ETH Zurich, University of Pittsburgh, University of Oxford, University of Catania, University of Siena and the Jenner University are either active or passive involved in the research and development process.


In a first phase, Pharma Globe AG is seeking equity to continue its research and position the company for the active marketing of its products. (Out-Licensing).

A second phase closes the circle of our investments to start with the construction of two own production sites. Thus, a large range of high-quality vaccines can be produced in-house. One location each is planned in Switzerland and in the EU area.

Within 24 to 36 months, the company can finance its cash flow by selling its own vaccines. It is important to know that there is a great shortage of vaccines worldwide. It is therefore conceivable that these ideal circumstances will allow very high sales for vaccine manufacturers, and a multiplication of the stock value is therefore likely to be possible.

This is not a public offer. See disclaimer.

Pharma Globe AG

Roosstrasse 53
8832 Wollerau

E-Mail: info@swissvaccine-seruminstitute.ch